My beautiful mother taught me how to read when I was very young, and I immediately fell in love with the written word. Books were also my escape from the noise and chaos of having ten siblings in the house. Eventually I discovered my sister's romance novels, and so started my addiction to happily ever after!
These days, countless hot scenarios and spicy characters fight to get out of my head. With Taste of Lacey, I finally gave a few of them a 'voice'. A career as an accountant is my reality, but my dream is to share sensual, witty, emotional novels with others who need to get away...while staying right at home.
I live with my very patient husband and our beautiful, inquisitive daughter on the sandy shores of the Gulf Coast. In addition to writing, as an avid scrapbooker, I strive to create something everyday. I also love immersing myself in reading other delicious books.